
Predict the nationality of a name

An API for predicting nationality from a name

Nationalize.io predicts the nationality of a person given their name. Use the API for analytics, ad segmenting, demographic statistics etc. Be sure to check out the use cases as well.

Make Beautiful Charts with a Single API Call

In this project I used Image-Charts to display the result of predicting nationality from a name and then by calculating the result, Make a link to call API and shows a chart on the page.

The API is free no sign up or API key needed

The API is free for up to 1000 names/day. No sign up or API key needed. So go ahead and try it out. If you need more requests, you can sign up for an API key at store.nationalize.io

Easiest way to embed charts as image in emails, pdfs

No need to spend hours to setup, develop and scale a complex server-side solution. Very easy to use a chart can be obtained just by calling the API. Can be used on web pages, emails and pdfs... .

Enter a name in the box below to estimate the Nationality and show the result.